Dedicated to solving the air quality crisis

In 2023, we decided to take control of our indoor air quality and better our health and the comfort of our homes. Here’s how Vibrant was born.

In 2012, building codes were updated
to require blower door testing.

This test determines how much air
is entering or escaping the home.

Many houses now require mechanical
ventilation due to this requirement.

During this time, there was also a focus
on energy conservation in homes.

Sprayfoam became mainstream in
building insulation, making homes
very airtight.

This lack of ventilation caused health
and comfort issues known as Sick
House Syndrome.

With ventilation guidance changes and
studies showing a correlation between
air quality and mental health, we knew
we had to make a change.

Both the Sense and the AED were
created to help tackle poor indoor air
quality, and in turn improve health, comfort,
efficiency, and overall quality of life.

Revolutionizing the industry